Health Benefits of Soy Beans

Health Benefits of Soy Beans

Health Benefits of Soy Beans

The soy bean is actually a species of bovine legume native to east Asia, extensively cultivated for its edible bean with many uses. The plant itself is a perennial herb and the bean itself is often ground up into meal, oil or other food.

Soy beans are also a good source of protein, although some vegetarians will tell you otherwise. Soybeans contain almost half of the protein necessary for vegetarians while most meats contain about one-third. For this reason, soybeans and soy milk are a popular choice for vegetarians or people looking to become more healthy.

There are two different varieties of soy beans, namely: Asian and Robusta. The former comes from the Andean plains while the latter from South America. Both have the same general characteristics: the plants are small, dark green, thick and short-lived, having narrow leaves.

The main part of soybeans is the germ. The seeds are white, oval, cylindrical in shape and covered with hairs or bristle. The seeds are also edible, but they tend to be less nutritious than those of the bean. Soybeans are an excellent source of phytoestrogens, compounds that inhibit estrogen activity in the body. Phytoestrogens have been used in some Asian countries to treat women suffering from menopause.

Soybeans are also a source of the essential amino acid L-lysine. Some animal proteins can be found lacking in this essential amino acid. Soy beans are a good source of L-lysine.

A Soy bean also contains vitamin E and is an excellent source of protein, especially B-12. Vitamin E may be helpful in the treatment of asthma, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, osteoarthritis, Lupus, kidney problems, skin disorders, psoriasis, heart disease and cancer. In addition, it may help prevent cholesterol levels from rising too high. Many studies have indicated that the Japanese and Chinese cultures, particularly in Asia, consume much more soybeans than do Americans.

Soybeans have also been linked to lowering cholesterol levels. In fact, there are studies linking soy beans to reduced cholesterol levels. However, a large study in Japan did not find any significant difference between soybean and nonsoybean consumption. Soybeans may also lower LDL cholesterol (bad) and increase HDL cholesterol (good), although it cannot prove it.

Soybeans are also a source of calcium. They are rich sources of potassium, magnesium, manganese and selenium. These minerals are important for healthy bone health. Soybeans are also a good source of phosphorous, a mineral essential for proper absorption of iron, phosphorus, thiamin, and riboflavin.

Health Benefits of Soy Beans

Phosphorus helps to improve bone growth and maintenance, while magnesium helps to prevent calcium depletion.

Phytochemical phytoestrogens, soybeans contain phytoestrogens, plant estrogens similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. This is a chemical compound that binds with androgen receptors in the body. Estrogens stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil so hair becomes thicker and more resistant to heat.

Phytoestrogens have been found to decrease the chance of prostate cancer. It also has been shown to slow the development of uterine tumors in both animals and humans. Research also suggests that phytoestrogens can reduce the chance of certain types of diabetes. and other degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Soy bean products have been used by people all over the world as a source of protein and fiber. Soybeans are also beneficial in making meat products more tender and tasty. Some of these products, like tofu, may help to prevent digestive tract problems in many people.

Most health food stores sell soy bean powder or natural supplements as dietary supplements. In order to make a solid supple, one should make sure that all the recommended dose of soybeans per day are consumed.

Because they are very good sources of nutrients, soybeans and other beans are often the source of protein for vegetarians or people with very low intakes of protein. People on diets may want to include them in their diet to get the maximum amount of protein possible.

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