Natural Remedies For Acne – Simple Home Remedies That Are Safe and Effective

Natural Remedies For Acne – Simple Home Remedies That Are Safe and Effective


Sebaceous cyst, also known as skin cysts or whiteheads, are small, fluid-filled bumps in the epidermis. They range in size from a pea size, to about 5 millimeters in diameter, to up to 10 centimeters. They often appear on the surface of the face, neck and back. People often refer to them as sebaceous cyst, but this isn't a true medical name.


Whitehead (also known as a comedone) are a result of excess oil or sebum in the skin, which is released as your pores open. This excess sebum clogs the pore and the resulting inflammation lead to the appearance of a cyst or whitehead. Sometimes, a whitehead may be accompanied by a foul odor. Seborrheic dermatitis (Dry skin on the face, neck and shoulders) is also a common cause of whiteheads.


A comedone can also be caused by a more serious condition such as acne. As acne bacteria multiply, they produce oil as well as dead skin cells, which can clog up the pores. As the bacteria are allowed to proliferate, inflammation becomes worse and the follicle wall ruptures and results in a comedone. On the other hand, someone may not contain bacteria and may be a sign that the condition is more serious. If a someone ruptures, a puss filled lesion may develop which can be painful.


Although there are no medications or surgeries available for treating a sebaceous cyst, there are several methods that can be used as a natural treatment. Home remedies such as olive oil applied to the affected area is effective in clearing away bacteria and clearing away dead skin. Applying aloe vera gel is also a popular home remedy. In the case of severe acne, prescription medications may also be prescribed to control the severity of the condition.


Sebaceous glands usually produce too much oil to keep the pores open and clear. The excess oil and dead skin clog the pores and eventually result in acne. Seborrheic dermatitis may result from a severe inflammation, which can be treated with corticosteroids.


Another natural remedy for a sebaceous cyst that has been known to be effective is apple cider vinegar. applied to the affected area. It is said that applying apple cider to the area for 30 minutes will help reduce inflammation. If you are experiencing itching, redness and irritation in the affected area, this should be tried as an apple cider vinegar mask, also called a topical retinoid.


Another popular home remedy is tea tree oil. It is effective in the treatment of all kinds of acne including seborrheic dermatitis


Tea tree oil has antibacterial and antiseptic properties and is also an anti-inflammatory agent. It can also be used as a treatment for eczema and psoriasis. It is also effective in treating a sebaceous cyst in less severe cases.


Applying fresh lime juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey to the affected area will provide relief from pain and itching. As mentioned above, applying tea tree oil is also a good treatment for a sebaceous cyst. applying rose water to the area will help dry out the affected area. As with many of these home remedies, they will require some patience and consistency to see positive results.


Another popular home remedy is yogurt. You can purchase yogurt at most health food stores or make your own yogurt by mixing one tablespoon of yogurt and one half cup of fresh filtered water. Apply this yogurt to the affected area two times daily, and it can be applied as a natural antibiotic.


These are just a few of the more common home remedies that are used to treat acne. Of course, you do not have to take any of these natural treatments if you don't want to. However, they are safe, inexpensive and easy to do. They work to relieve the discomfort and inflammation and pain. So why go through the stress of expensive prescription medications when these simple, natural remedies can do the job just as well.


There are other ways of treating acne besides using over-the-counter drugs and over-the-counter products. There are many other natural remedies that are considered holistic.

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